Meet the artist…

I’m Michelle, an artist, actress, and film crew member based in Georgia. When I was younger, art class was one of my favorite classes. I was terrible at following instructions, and instead opted for free drawing and character creation. I returned to art as an adult because of the pandemic. My lack of paying attention in class definitely bit me in the butt (Study your fundamentals, kids). My art process is built on a lot of trial and error. So I feel great sense accomplishment when I not only complete a piece, but love what I see!




Savannah Underground 2024

Stage Manager

Season 23-24

The Music Man



Cryptid Chaos

Bride Hard

Average Joe S1

Demascus S1

Broadway Falls In Love Cabaret

The Lion, The Witch, & The Wardrobe


Tybee Post Theatre

Savannah Stage Company

Savannah Children’s Theatre

Savannah Stage Company

Savannah Underground

Savannah Children’s Theatre

Tybee Post Theatre

Savannah Children’s Theatre

Savannah Children’s Theatre


Performer/ Asst. Stage Manager

Scenic Painter

Stage Manager



Clean Slate S1

Bride 9 Productions

Sony/ Amazon Prime

BET+/ Netflix



Makeup Artist/ Performer

Prop Buyer

Prop Buyer

Prop PA

Set Dec PA

Stage Manager

Scenic Painter/Puppet Asst.

Production Manager

Want to license my work? Use it for film/tv?

I would love the opportunity to work with other businesses big or small. If you would like to collaborate, please feel free to reach out with your project idea and budget to

A reminder that all original work and products on this site and my instagram are my own. I do not give you permission to resale my work or characters, and to use my work and characters for advertising, exploiting, or symbols. If you wish to use my work for profit, please reach out to me and we can discuss and sign legal documentation.

While I do draw fan art and feature it in my portfolio, those characters are not my own so I will not use them for collaborative profit without the express and written permission of the original IP holder. (i.e. if a reusable water bottle company wants me to draw Mickey Mouse on one of their bottles, I will not do it without written consent from Disney!)

Looking to discuss a project? Please get in touch using the form on this page. I’ll try to reach back out to you ASAP!